22 February 2010

Late Valentine

To fall in love...
Who knows how to?
We are all set to believe that we fall in love when we hear our hearts betting as hard as a drum in the moment we see that special person.

My heart beats, every single time I think of him...
But I was never in love.
It's just the thought of never having that chance to realize if we were actually in love.

They say that if you love someone, let them go. If they come back, their yours; if they don't, they never were yours to begin with.
I wonder what would've happened if I went back... Would he let the quote's philosophy become?

But that's just supposing I didn't fall in love.

I might be too young to say I'm in love...
But I'm pretty sure this damn close.

How do I know?
I think it because I want to tell him everysingle second of my life.. but of course, that's what a best friend is for....
Maybe it's because everywhere I go, I think of what reminds me of him...
Or maybe it's the fact that he's the only person in the world that I let to touch my hair...
Or everytime I see our pictures, I can't wait to take more pictures of us together...

But then again... it sound a lot like a best friend to me.
A person I can't trust.
A person who will act stupid with me.
A person who laughs a my jokes, just because they are not funny at all.
A person who'd do anything for me.

A person I'd care for, for who they are. Every flaw, every perfection.
That's who I think I love.

Do you know why else?
Because I let him go...

and he came back.