15 October 2007


...Why do we use them? Is it another way to bend the truth? But, didn't I tell you the truth? The pure and simple truth? You, of all people, should know that the truth is barely pure and far from simple. So you do know this? Then, why is this feeling so complicated? Why do I feel like one of us will end up killing ourselves for one another? Why am I hesitating on this? Aren't I always trying to make my life perfect? Aren't I always imagining how my life should start out? All magicly and story-like? How am I letting this opportunity pass by? What's wrong with me? I think I'm trying to convince myself that my life will never be perfect. No, no... I'm trying to convince myself that I'm something I've always wanted to be. I'm trying to convince myself that "It's so hard being me." A bunch of crap I know isn't true. I want to know the origin of this "my life sucks" shit.

De aqui es que surgen los problemas psicologicas y la depresion. Tantos enrredos de la cabeza, tanto pensar. Y yo misma me pongo a pensar "Como es que la gente se puede volver loca??"... mientras que yo me siento aqui, volviendome victima lentamente.

Damn Growing Pains...

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