02 October 2007

Oh, dear. I think I'm going to cry, tonight.

You know when your head is full of thoughts and you feel it’ll explode in any second? And when it explodes you just want to blabber out everything you were thinking of, but you don’t tell anyone with the fear of what they’ll think of you? Or what you think they think of you? That’s my head all the time.

But what if you did just say everything in mind? And no one has said anything? Would your head fill up again? Would it fill up with questions this time? Or would you just go blank? … Then fill up again with thoughts of why you’re blank? What if you never thought? And there’s my head again.

Who? What? Where? When? How? WHY?

“Why?”… Why is the earth round? Why don’t I like sushi? Why do we breathe air? Why religion? Why time? Why aren’t my eyes blue? Why south? Why north? Why keep it a secret? Why do I like orange juice without sugar? Why fight? Why bother? Why ask him if he’s okay? Why tell the truth? Why smile? Why cry? Why live? Why think? Why WHY?

So many questions. And unbelievably, all the questions can be answered with one simple phrase, and fill up your head once again.

“I don’t know.”

Attention. A word everyone can understand. A noun everyone wants… at least once in a while. But if everyone clearly wants it, why is it that everyone who has it is uses it for unimportant stuff? (Or at least unimportant to the person without the attention.)

I don’t know.

Queue my point!


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